


Can This Happen in a Church of Christ?

            What happens when a local church forgets to evangelize the lost?  The church may have a “status quo” attitude toward the members it already has. They are “happy and content”. They feel like they are such a good group of people, anyone who visits will want to become a member.  Few realize what Satan has in mind. Those who are content in godly work often “leave their first love” (Revelation 2:4).

            What happens when the saints of a local church are not convicted?  They will need to be taught the first principals of the oracles of God again. They will upon one or two people to be their teachers. They ones who are most spiritually mature (Hebrews 5:12-14). Chances are this church yields easily to false doctrine.

What happens when corrective discipline is not practiced?

What happens when parents do not instill scriptural values in their children?

What happens when complacency replaces commitment?

What happens when leaders fail to lead?

What happens when brotherly love does not exist?

          Those questions and many more like them need our serious meditation. The consequences of each question are nothing short of disastrous. Churches where those conditions exist often go through the motions and “hold a form of godliness,..having denied the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5). Usually when one symptom exists, others are not too far behind. Therefore, we need to avoid any and all of these symptoms at all costs. This church cannot afford to be weary in every good work (Matthew 5:16;  Galatians 6:9).

         Come on brethren!  SEE what needs to be seen. DO what needs to be done. Think on the things of God. Seek His kingdom. “Arise, let us be going” (Matthew 26:46). “Let us rise up and build” (Nehemiah 2:18).

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Date Title Author Topic
03/26/17 This Week’s Verse - 1 Chron. 28:9 Troy Nicholson verses
03/26/17 A People Set for Restoration Phillip Martin misc
03/19/17 Ready to Eat Phillip Martin Bible study
03/19/17 Enriching the Depth and Meaning of Our Prayers Phillip Martin misc
03/12/17 A Stable Foundation Phillip Martin general
03/12/17 Before You Hit “Share” or “Like” Phillip Martin general
03/12/17 I’ll Never Be a Paul Phillip Martin daily living
03/05/17 This Week’s Verse - Luke 18:1 Troy Nicholson verses
03/05/17 Facts and Feelings  Frank Himmel general
03/05/17 The Only Ones Going to Heaven Greg Gwin heaven
02/26/17 Because He Loves Us Whit Sasser daily living
02/26/17 The Old and New Me Earl Lanning daily living
02/26/17 “Well Done” Charles Tidwell daily living
02/19/17 Four Things You Can't Recover author unknown general
02/19/17 The Sin of Division Earl Lanning church
02/19/17 Jesus’ Prayer for Unity Earl Lanning church
02/05/17 Times Have Changed Earl Lanning church
01/29/17 This Week’s Verse - 1 Sam. 16:7 Troy Nicholson verses
01/29/17 The Parable of the Talents Earl Lanning daily living
01/29/17 Characteristics of the Christian’s Giving Earl Lanning giving
01/29/17 “Let This Mind Be in You” Earl Lanning giving
01/22/17 The Christian’s Growth Chart Marshall Reid daily living
01/22/17 No Time Troy Nicholson daily living
01/15/17 This Week’s Verse - James 4:17 Troy Nicholson verses
01/15/17 Liberals Frank Himmel church

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