

What is God’s Goal?


What is God’s Goal?

     If you think as though y ou are repenting of one thing and there comes another temptation, do you place the temptation at the feet of God Almighty?  Is He putting all of this in front of me to make me sin?  By reading James 1:13-15, God does not come close to being guilty of tempting man. He desires man’s repentance (2 Peter 3:9) but does not engage with sin and deceive man to commit it.

In all the forms of temptation we face, being holy is hard!

Here is something to consider. Holiness is something we never want to stop thinking about in our heart!  The reason is clear.

God desires we pursue holiness to be holy as He is (1 Peter 1:16). Even under the most extreme of temptations and the numerous times they are placed before us, God’s goal is our HOLINESS.

Did God want us saved to commit more sin (Romans 6:1,2)? God forbid. His goal is through wanting us to be holy, we will exalt His glorious holiness. Then live in His holiness forever.

1 John 3 gives us this amazing promise: “When he appears we will be like him, for we will see him as he is…Everyone who has this hope . . . purifies himself, just as he is pure” (vv. 2,3).

From now until the time Jesus returns, keep following the eternal goal of God to make us holy…