Holiness and Intimate
Holiness and Intimate
A teenager said, “I went to the party after my parents said not to, but I haven’t been able to look either one of them in the eye since.”
A wife said, “It was such a little lie to my husband. It was just about a credit card bill, but I feel so far away from him. I think he feels it too.”
Our actions can keep us close to others and God or keep us from getting close to those we love.
2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”
Unholy, secretive, unrepentant people cannot be in fellowship with a holy God. God does not live in a land of unholiness. No one who dwells in impatience, anger, laziness, or lust has fellowship with God at the same time.
Darkness is a gloomy, sad place to live spiritually. The good news you can come to the light and live there. Repent. God wants fellowship with you. Turn from the sin. Be restored through the blood of Christ. Walk close to God in holiness.